Monday, September 9, 2013

Hands-Free Cellphone Cupcakes

So, there I was today, driving on the Thruway talking on my phone using the speaker.  I got pulled over!  Apparently in NY you can't even be holding the phone?  Ok, news to me.  I apologized and explained I was not aware of this, but the trooper did not care about this and gave me a ticket anyway.  Craaaaaaaaap....  But that was hardly the worst part!  I got really upset and started crying... like, hysterical 8 months pregnant hormone crying.  I'm not usually this dramatic, but being pregnant I find I have a hard time controlling my emotions - everything's extreme.  So the normal amount of frustration and anger you would imagine from getting a ticket is like multiplied by 10 for me.  I try to control it but that doesn't always work out successfully.  So, there I am, hysterical crying, telling the cop that I'm 8 months pregnant and begging him not to give me a ticket (obviously, didn't work).  Then he just left me there, got into his cop car and drove away!  My distress reached a whole new level and I literally started hyperventilating and having an anxiety attack.  I couldn't breathe and it was 10 minutes before I was even able to call my husband to help me.  My wonderful husband talked to me and was all ready to drive out to get me before I was finally able to calm down.  All in all I was stuck hyperventilating on the side of the NYS Thruway for 30 minutes!  When I FINALLY got home I needed to relax b/c I was still so upset... and angry... like, so angry.  I understand when cops give us tickets they're just doing their jobs. We don't like it, but fine.  But you see that I'm pregnant, (plus I told you I'm pregnant) and you see me hysterical crying.  Don't you think you should wait to make sure I'm ok?  See if I can drive?  Wait until I pull back onto the road?  Just leaving me there is NOT doing your job, in fact its the opposite.  That cop totally sucks and I hope karma comes back and bites him in the ass, hard.  And not b/c he gave me a ticket but b/c not only does his job require him to have a sense of duty to make sure I'm ok, there's this thing called common decency as well; and apparently he didn't have either!  What a jack-wipe.  There, I'm done.  Yeah, so clearly there was only one thing to do to calm down... yes, bake! 

I had some sad looking apricots in the fridge and I knew today was the day I was going to give them new life and turn them into something delicious.  I needed a new start to my day and those apricots needed a second chance.  I also had a sad pluot that I threw in b/c, what the hell.  I love combining fruit with spices and for some reason apricot and cardamom sounded really good to me.  I didn't really overthink it, I just started throwing all the ingredients together.  By the time I was filling those cupcake liners I was (almost) back to my usual self.  Maybe I should have called these Therapy Cupcakes... Anyway, if you need some mental healing, bake these and then name them whatever you want.  Onto the recipes!

Apricot Cardamom Cupcakes with Ginger Cream Cheese Frosting



For the cupcakes:

3/4 cup soy milk (I use vanilla)
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup canola oil
1 tsp vanilla
1 and 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cardamom
pinch nutmeg (about 1/8 tsp)
3 - 5 apricots (depending on size), peeled and diced - about 1 cup

You know the drill.  Preheat the oven to 350 and line a 12-cup muffin tin with cupcake liners.
Mix together the soy milk and vinegar until frothy and set aside.  In a large bowl combine the sugar, oil and vanilla.  Add the soy milk and mix well.  Sift in the dry ingredients and mix until well combined and little to no lumps remain.  Fold in the apricots.  Fill liners 3/4 to almost all of the way full - this will depend on how much apricot is in your batter.  I had mine almost to the top.  As long as they're at least 3/4 filled you will have nice cupcakes.  Bake for 20-22 minutes.  Let cool for 5 minutes, then transfer to a cooling rack to cool completely before frosting.

I loved how colorful these were!  Those lovely flecks of pink are from the pluot - I should just say I did that on purpose :)

I didn't overthink the frosting when I was making it either.  Cream cheese frosting was a no-brainer today b/c I'm all out of shortening.  And ginger sounded like it would go well so I went with that.  (btw - I wasn't wrong.. these things are freakin delicious!)


For the frosting:

1/2 cup vegan cream cheese (I use Follow Your Heart b/c its GMO free - yay!)
1/4 cup vegan margarine (I use Earth Balance)
2 - 3 cups powdered sugar
1 and 1/2 tsps ginger

In the bowl of a standmixer (or using a handmixer), cream together the cream cheese and margarine.  It helps if these items are not cold when doing this.  But to be honest I pulled mine right out of the fridge today and it worked out fine.  Sift in the powdered sugar testing for sweetness.  You also want to add enough sugar to stiffen your frosting.  Try to find a good balance between sweetness and consistency.  I find when you take the whisk out and the frosting doesn't fall off of it, you're good.  Sift in the ginger and mix well to combine.  Fill your piping bag and frost away.

PS - If you're not pregnant, these therapy cupcakes will work a lot better if you pour yourself a big glass of wine, and then start baking.  Just saying.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Rosh Hashanah Redemption Cupcakes

Last year, when Rosh Hashanah came around, I wanted to do something special involving cupcakes, apples, and vegan honey (aka agave syrup).  No brainer, right?  Who doesn't like themes?  Or excuses to make cupcakes?  But, the execution left a little to be desired.  I tried to bake cupcakes while also cooking a Jewish New Year feast and didn't really have time to do exactly what I wanted.  Also, my basic idea didn't have the adventurous spirit that's so important for cupcake baking.  What was I thinking??  Needless to say, I definitely had something to prove when Rosh Hashanah came around this year.  No doubt I got it right this time - delicious apple, mouth-watering spices, topped off with cinnamon frosting.  Redemption achieved.

Apple Spice Cupcakes with Cinnamon Frosting


For the cupcakes:

3/4 cup soymilk (I use vanilla)
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup canola oil
3/4 cup sugar
1 Tbsp blackstrap molasses
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 and 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp nutmeg
pinch cardamom
1 apple, grated (about 1 cup)

Preheat the oven to 350°.  Line a 12-cup muffin tin with cupcake liners.  
In a small bowl, whisk together the soy milk and vinegar until frothy and set aside.  In the meantime, gather your ingredients.  In a large bowl, mix together the oil, sugar, molasses and vanilla.  Add the soymilk and mix well.  Sift in all the dry ingredients and mix until just moistened.  Add in the apple and mix until everything is well combined.  Fill cupcake liners 3/4 of the way full, or almost to the top and bake 18-20 minutes until slightly golden on the edges.  Cool for 5 minutes in their tins and then move to a cooling rack to cool completely.  

For the frosting:

3/4 cup non-hydrogenated shortening
2 - 3 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 - 3 Tbsp soy milk (again, vanilla)
2 and 1/2 tsp cinnamon

In the bowl of a stand mixer, cream the shortening so its not a clump like what came out of your measuring cup.  Sift in the sugar, tasting for sweetness.  Add soy milk if the frosting gets too thick.  Add in the vanilla and sift in the cinnamon, mix until all well combined and the frosting is nice and fluffy and delicious.  Top the cupcakes.  Get excited!

To garnish:

1 apple, sliced
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp brown sugar

Mix the apple with the lemon juice and let sit for a few minutes.  Pour off any extra lemon juice, add in the brown sugar and mix to coat.  Let sit another few minutes, then top each cupcake with a yummy apple slice.  

Smile - these cupcakes are amazeballs and now you have 12 of your very own!  

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Happy Vegan MoFo and Happy New Year!

It's here!
Woohoo!  So exciting - there are so many awesomely talented and creative vegans out there, you should see what everyone's posting!  Yes, I am drooling just thinking about it.  Check out the full list of posters at  

This year, in a moment of unbridled confidence I decided to throw my humble little cupcake blog into the mix.  I am certainly not as established or talented as many of the other bloggers, but I love cupcakes and baking and I just can't help myself!  So, here we go!  I have been baking my 7-months pregnant and now not so little butt off, so get ready for a month of jam-packed (pun intended), lip-smacking goodness!

Guess what other time of year it is!  Its Rosh Hashanah time!  Yes, the Jewish New Year is here again.  This year, I have decided to improve on the apple cupcakes that I made last year (stay tuned) AND I am trying something new - with pomegranate!  In case you are not aware, there are a number of different foods that are traditionally eaten on Rosh Hashanah for different symbolic reasons.  Pomegranates are a popular Rosh Hashanah food, they are eaten so that our good deeds in the coming year will be as plentiful as the seeds in the pomegranate.  Yeah, I don't know if you've noticed, but pomegranates have a lot of seeds.  So, onto the cupcakes!

Pay It Forward Cupcakes

Pomegranate-Orange Cupcakes with Pomegranate Frosting

I feel like a freaking girl scout for coming up with this goody-two-shoes cupcake name, but it is the New Year so I should be on my best behavior.  Plus, veganism is all about compassion, so have some for me, this pregnancy has turned my brain into (vegan) jello!  Plus, one bite of these cupcakes and you won't give a crap what they're called as long as you can call for more!  

For the cupcakes:

3/4 cup soymilk (I use vanilla)
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup canola oil
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup pomegranate juice
2 tsp vanilla
1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp orange zest

Preheat the oven to 350°.  Line a 12-cup muffin tin with cupcake liners. 
In a large bowl, whisk together the soy milk and vinegar until frothy.  Set aside while you gather the rest of your ingredients.  Add in the oil, sugar, pomegranate juice and vanilla and mix until well combined.  Sift in the dry ingredients.  Mix until just combined.  Add the orange zest.  Mix well until there are no lumps.  Fill liners 3/4 of the way full, or kinda almost to the top - just use all of your batter, its fine.  Bake for 18-20 minutes until the edges are a little golden/brown. Let cool for 5 minutes then move to a cooling rack to cool completely before frosting.

For the frosting:

1/2 cup pomegranate juice
1/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup non-hydrogenated shortening
2-3 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract

In a small saucepan, combine the pom juice and sugar and heat over medium heat until boiling.  Continue to simmer about 15 min until the sugar is dissolved the the juice is reduced.  Let cool (just throw it in the fridge until its at least room temp).  In the bowl of a stand-mixer, cream the shortening so it gets nice and smooth.  Sift in the sugar about 1 cup at a time, mixing in between to combine until the frosting is nice and thick.  Keep a spatula handy to scrape down the sides of the bowl.  Add in the vanilla.  Add the pomegranate juice a little at a time until the desired consistency is reached.  Mix until well combined.  Taste, adjust sugar if necessary.  To be honest, I didn't really measure the sugar, I never do.  I just sift it in until it looks and tastes right.  So you can keep alternating a little juice and then sugar until the frosting tastes and looks how you want.  I like mine pink and with plenty of that pom tang.  Now, fill your piping bag and frost those bad boys up!

If you have some fresh pomegranate seeds, they would make a lovely garnish for the tops of these cupcakes.  Plus, they would be helpful if you're sharing so people won't see the pink frosting and think its raspberry.

Last: Eat the cupcakes and think about all the good deeds you are going to do this year.  I've already done mine by sharing this recipe with you. BAM!



Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Purim! Hamantashen Cupcakes

Its that time of year again!  Purim sneaks up on me every year... and then Passover is right around the corner!  Where does the time go?  Ok, enough cliches.  Moving on...

Quick Purim tutorial: There was once an evil king(Achashverosh) and his more evil adviser(Haman).  The evil adviser hated Jews and convinced the king that he wanted to kill all the Jews in his kingdom.  But, the king had unwittingly married a Jewish woman(Esther) who was wonderful and beautiful... aren't we all?  Esther also had a very wise and devout brother named Mordechai who endeared himself to the king with his honesty.  When Esther found out about the plot against her people she revealed herself to the king as a Jew and unveiled the evil adviser's plot.  The king had just learned how much he liked Jews (Esther and Mordechai) and he was very angry.  Haman was hung on the very gallows he had built for Mordechai.  Unfortunately, the plot to kill the Jews had already gone into motion, but the king allowed the Jews the chance to defend themselves (yeah, so generous, right?).  The Jews fought back, won the battle, and not even one Jew was killed during the fighting!  The Jews celebrated their still being alive with feasting and happiness (I have a sneaking suspicion 'happiness' is euphemism for drinking... but anyway).  Mordechai was promoted to be the king's cheif advisor.  He wrote down the whole story so all the Jews in all the world would know what had happened, and it was decided the day should be a day of celebration, and Jewish people should give gifts to eachother and to the poor in gratitude for this miracle.  So we celebrate Purim and other customs have become popular as well.  Kids dress up in costumes and we eat Hamantashen cookies - which are triangle cookies that are shaped like the hat the evil Haman used to wear.  Not sure how that tradition came about, but I'm thinking Haman and the inside of an oven being closely acquainted had something to do with it.

So - this is what Hamantashen cookies look like (Thank you Google Images.  I did not bake these... that will be happening later this week):
 If you've never had one, let me assure you they are delicious!!

I love making hamantashen cookies every year but I also wanted to make a Purim-themed cupcake b/c, well, obvious reasons I guess... love cupcake baking, need theme ideas, etc, etc.  Also, Purim is my favorite holiday - I love costumes, and parties, and cookies!  So, Behold!  The hamantashen cupcake.  The cupcake part is definitely reminiscent of the cookie part of the hamantashen.  I didn't add anything to the jelly filling and used a simple vanilla frosting to make the triangle shape that brings everything together.  When I made these, I removed the centers of the cupcakes and filled them with jelly, and also left the jelly on top.  They were delicious!  But maybe had a little too much jelly for me.  Not that anything was bad about it, but I couldn't taste the cake as much as I wanted to.  So, next time I would leave the cake in tact and put the jelly just on the top.  

For the cupcake:

1 cup soymilk
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup margarine, softened
3/4 cups sugar
2 and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp almond extract
1 and 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt

Preheat the oven to 350°.  Line a 12-cup muffin tin with cupcake liners.  
In a small bowl, whisk together the soy milk and vinegar until frothy and set aside.  In the bowl of a stand mixer (or use a hand-mixer for this) cream together the margarine and the sugar.  Add the soy milk and the extracts and mix well.  Sift in the dry ingredients and mix until well combined.  By this point you can switch to old-school (wooden spoon) style.  Fill cupcake liners 3/4 of the way full and back 20-22 minutes until slightly golden on the top.  Cool for 5 minutes in their tins and then move to a cooling rack to cool completely.  If planning on filling with jelly, remove the centers.  If not, leave them alone.

For the frosting:

1/2 cup shortening
2 cups powdered sugar (about)
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 Tbsp maple syrup
1-3 tsp soy milk, if needed

In the bowl of the stand mixer, cream the shortening until smooth.  Sift in the sugar 1 cup at a time until desired sweetness reached.  Add in the vanilla and maple syrup and mix until well combined and fluffy.  You want this frosting to be soft and easy to pipe, so mix in some soy milk as needed to adjust the consistency.  I needed about a tsp and a half.  Pipe triangles onto the tops of your cupcakes.  If you made holes, your triangle needs to go around the holes (duh!).

For the filling:

1/2 cup apricot preserves (has anyone ever seen apricot jam before?  If yes, 1)send it to me! 2) use it... it will be so much easier than the preserves... but that's all I can ever find!)
1/2 cup raspberry jam, seedless if possible 

In a small saucepan over medium heat, mix the apricot preserves with a little water to thin it out.  Simmer for a few minutes until thickened and then set aside in a small bowl to cool.  Don't let it cool too much!  You want to keep that smooth consistency (not like the chunkiness of the preserves right out of the jar).  It will look kinda like a gel - that's perfect.

While you're waiting for your apricot to set, wash the saucepan and heat the raspberry jam.  You do not need to add water unless it seems particularly thick.  Just try mixing it around for a while over the heat... it will break down into a nice syrup consistency.  Let cool slightly. 

Using a spoon carefully fill the centers of your cupcake (if you chose that option) and then fill in the jelly inside the frosting triangle to look like a hamantashen!  Pack these in your Mishloach Manot for your all your friends!  Or as usual, feel free to eat them all yourself.  Happy Purim!!

!×—ַ×’ שָׂמֵ×—ַ

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chocolate Hijacking

Chocolate gets such a bad rep this time of year... either you're getting it as a gift or you're binging on it to cope with your depression.  Plus, its always the same kind in those red heart-shaped boxes...ew.  (Those drug-store chocolates aren't vegan... who wants that??)  I say - lets take it back!  Chocolate isn't just for lovers, its for everyone.  And with these delectable cupcakes you can have your cake and chocolate too!  Lets take back chocolate from Valentine's Day and put it back where it belongs!  In your oven :)  Viva La Revolucion!

Anti-Valentine's Day Cupcake #2: Chocolate Hijack Cupcakes

This cupcake is for chocolate lovers everywhere... like seriously, its chocolate, upon chocolate, upon chocolate.  You will eat it and think you've died and gone to chocolate heaven... or just a really awesome place filled with chocolate.  The chocolate cupcake is fluffy and rich - the recipe is based on Isa's basic chocolate recipe from here.  (Seriously, how do you not have this book yet?)  Then, the cupcakes are filled with a smooth and super chocolate-y ganache and topped with a fluffy mocha frosting.  I used bittersweet chocolate chips that are 60% cacao (365 brand-vegan) and that extra bit of quality really goes a long way here... I mean, its all about the chocolate so don't scrimp on the main ingredient.  Feel free to adjust the sweetness in both the ganache and frosting if you use a different kind of chocolate.  Oh, and its really important to lick all your bowls and spoons after you're done.  So, fasten your seatbelts, keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle, here we go!

For the chocolate cupcakes: 

1 cup soymilk
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup canola oil
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 Tbsp corn starch
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt

Preheat the oven to 350°.  Line a 12-cup muffin tin with cupcake liners.  I used my plainest liners so the chocolate cake could show through.
Combine the soy milk and vinegar and whisk together until frothy.  Set aside while you gather the rest of the ingredients.  Add the oil, sugar and vanilla and mix well to combine, until the sugar is dissolved.  Sift in the dry ingredients.  Isa says to do this in 2 batches and I think its a good idea - its easier to avoid lumps from the cocoa powder that way.  Fill cupcake liners 3/4 of the way full, try to avoid drooling into your muffin tin and bake 18-20 minutes.  Let sit for 5 minutes and then transfer to a cooling rack to cool to room temp.

For the ganache-like filling:

3 Tbsp soy milk
1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate chips, 50% cacao or higher

Combine the soymilk and chocolate chips in a small saucepan over low heat.  Stir until the chocolate starts melting or the soymilk starts bubbling, whichever you notice first.  Watch very closely, you don't want to burn your chocolate!  Remove from heat immediately and keep stirring until the chocolate chips are melted and you have a smooth chocolate sauce.  It shouldn't be too thin or too think. If you lift the spoon out of the sauce, it should drip off smoothly but not too fast.  Make this right before you're ready to fill the cupcakes so it doesn't cool down too much.  Start filling as soon as the ganache is cool enough to handle.

For the mocha frosting:

1/4 cup margarine
1/2 cup bittersweet chocolate chips, at least 50% cacao
2 Tbsp soy milk
3 Tbsp strong, brewed coffee
2-3 cups powdered sugar

In a small saucepan, over med-low heat, melt the margarine.  As soon as its melted mix in the chocolate chips and stir until smooth.  In a large bowl or your standmixer bowl, combine the melted chocolate, soy milk and coffee.  Sift in the powdered sugar 1 cup at a time for the first 2 cups, mixing well in between w/ either your stand mixer or a handmixer and then a little at a time for the last cup, adjusting for taste. (I used 2 and 3/4 cups of sugar and it was perfect.)  Once the taste is where you want it, mix for 2-3 minutes until fluffy and a nice light brown color.  This frosting gets a more candy-like consistency after a little while...its not super-soft and fluffy.  I think its great for this though - it mixes great with the cake and the filling.

Assemble!  Cut holes in the middle of your cupcakes as discussed in the previous post.  Fill the cupcakes with the chocolate ganache, either with a spoon or MacGyver style.  I replaced the tops of the holes this time for extra chocolatey-chocolatiness.  Frost the cupcakes generously with the mocha frosting.  I decorated each one w/ a chocolate-raspberry flavored coffee bean but feel free to get creative.  Chocolate shavings would be really nice here, or more chocolate chips - or what I really wanted to use but didn't have any left, Java Drops!  Done!  Stick it to the man and share with everyone you know.

Eat me!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Anti-Valentines Day Cupcakes

Don't be fooled... I was once a doe-eyed youngster looking forward to that magical pink-rimmed day on the calendar that meant dinner-dates, flowers, (vegan) chocolates and most importantly, presents!  I also was the indignant girl insisting Valentine's Day is meaningless... which it is... unless you're into it, then please enjoy it!  More power to you.  Now I am a real-live adult with a wonderful loving husband and a mortgage and a budget... and very little motivation to spend my hard-earned money for a holiday that usually falls in the middle of the week that really means nothing to me anyway.  So now I don't really care.  I have a sneaking suspicion that V-Day is the evil brainchild of a secret meeting between restaurants, wineries, greeting card companies, and florists designed to pressure people to spend money, and either feel pressured or bad about themselves. Oh and of course bakers were in on that too... which brings me to my next point.  Aren't we all sick of red velvet Valentine's Day cupcakes?  They're more overdone than the "That's what she said" joke.  Doesn't anyone else want anything else for dessert on 2/14?  Of course you do... lets hop off this soapbox and have some fun!

Anti-Valentine's Day Cupcake #1 - Who Needs Diamonds?  Cosmos are a Girl's Best Friend Cupcakes

Don't even try to tell me you don't like Cosmos.  A pretty pink drink served in a fancy glass that packs a punch?  You say you don't like them and I say you're a liar... you know you want to sit around Sex and the City style - sipping away, gabbing with your gal pals, and looking totally fabulous.  This drink screams girl power!  Well, until about the 4th or 5th Cosmo... then you think you're looking fabulous but you're really a hot mess... who probably can't stand.  So, ok - maybe you don't want that... but you want these!  Orange cupcakes with a tart cranberry and vodka filling topped with a tangy lime frosting - delicious!  Without that pesky feeling of wanting to die the next morning.  And they beat a red heart-shaped box of chocolates from CVS any day of the year... including 2/14.

For the cupcakes:

2/3 cup soymilk
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup canola oil
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup orange juice
2 Tbsp vodka 
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 and 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp corn starch
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp fresh orange zest

Preheat the oven to 350°.  Line a 12-cup muffin tin with cupcake liners.  Try to stay away from anything with hearts on it.
In a large bowl, whisk together the soy milk and vinegar until frothy.  Set aside while you gather the rest of your ingredients.  Add in the oil, sugar, orange juice, vodka, and vanilla and mix until well combined and the sugar is dissolved.  Sift in the dry ingredients.  Mix until just combined.  Add the orange zest.  Mix well until there are no lumps.  Fill liners 3/4 of the way full.  Bake for 18-20 minutes until the edges are golden brown. Let cool for 5 minutes then move to a cooling rack to cool completely before filling and frosting.

For the filling:

1 cup fresh or frozen cranberries
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1 Tbsp corn starch + 1 Tbsp water
2-4 Tbsp vodka

I usually start with the filling first, and then work on it continuously as I do the rest of my cupcake baking.  There's a lot of inactive time here.  Combine cranberries, sugar and water in a small saucepan over medium heat.  Stir to combine and dissolve the sugar.  Bring to a slight boil, then reduce to a simmer and simmer until cranberries are soft and popped open 20-40 min.  Once cranberries are soft, remove from heat and cool at least 10 minutes.  Puree cranberry mixture in a blender or food processor.  At this point, depending on how your puree comes out you can strain it through a fine mesh strainer to remove any large seeds or peel pieces.  My puree came out nice so I did not bother with this.  Return the cranberry puree to the saucepan and heat over med-low heat.  Taste for sweetness - if you want this a little more sweet add agave syrup to taste and mix until well combined.  In a small bowl, dissolve the corn starch in the 1 Tbsp of water.  Add to the cranberry puree and stir frequently until the mixture is thickened.  My thickened cranberry reminded me of a loose jam.  Remove from heat and let cool.  Now, add the vodka a Tbsp at a time tasting as you go (I know, this is the best part).  Keep in mind who you'll be serving this to.  Your old friend from college?  Add the full 1/4 cup.  Your grandma?  Better stick with 1 Tbsp...unless Grandma knows how to party.  I added 2 Tbsp and there was a definite vodka bite but it was not very strong.  Allow the puree to cool at least 30 minutes before filling your cupcakes.

For the frosting:

3/4 cup shortening
2 and 1/2 cups powdered sugar, or more or less to taste
2 Tbsp fresh-squeezed lime juice
1-2 Tbsp fresh lime zest

Cream the shortening with a stand mixer or hand mixer.  Sift in 2 cups of the sugar, 1 cup at a time.  Then add the lime juice and mix until well combined and fluffy.  Add the final 1/2 cup of sugar, or a little more or a little less, depending on the taste.  Once the taste is where you want it and the frosting is fully mixed and fluffy, add the lime zest.  I like to use a big rubber spatula to mix in the zest by hand b/c it usually gets stuck to my stand mixer whisk. 

Now - lets assemble!  Cut a whole in the center of each cupcake.  You can do this the old-fashioned way (aka w/ a knife)... or I have a handy-dandy cupcake-center-remover-thingy so I use that.  Then eat all the cake middles.  You don't need them and they're delicious.  If you want, you can keep the very top of the middles to put them back later if you want, but you won't be able to replace everything you removed.  Fill a plastic sandwich bag or zip top bag with the cranberry-vodka puree.  A zip top bag is easier for this - but I'm cheap... and they are expensive!  (Plus, I feel like it makes more garbage.)  Once filled, move all the puree to the corner of the bag and gently twist the top like you would a piping bag - just a little more delicately.  Snip off the very end of the corner with a pair of scissors. Hold the bag up otherwise your puree will spill out all over the place. (I use this technique b/c I only have one piping bag and I don't want to wash it in between filling and frosting.  If your kitchen is better equipped forget these instructions and proceed normally.)  Using your Macgyver-style kitchen tool, fill each cupcake with a generous amount of the filling, careful not to let it overflow too much.  When you're done, squeeze the rest of the filling right into your mouth... its cool, nobody's looking.  I know you'll be wishing you had used 1/2 cup of vodka, but try not to dwell on it.  Fit a piping bag with whatever you think will make your frosting look pretty and fill.  Pipe the lime frosting onto each cupcake, working from the outside in so you don't smear the cranberry filling and frosting together.  Unless you want to do that - then don't let me stop you.  Done!  Step back and admire your handiwork.

First of all - these cupcakes are amazeballs and will def make you go, February what?  What day is it?  Who cares?  And not b/c you are drunk off the vodka.  But, I think they really benefit from sitting for at least a few hours or in the fridge overnight to let all the flavors relax and get to know eachother.  Each bite is a yummy symphony for your taste buds of sweet orange, sweet-tart cranberry and tangy lime w/ an awesome vodka aftertaste.  Cheers!  Tell Samantha and Carrie I say hi.

You know that's right!

Monday, December 10, 2012

It's a Miracle! Eight Day Olive Oil Cupcakes

So, I went into the kitchen to make these cupcakes and only had 1 Tbsp of olive oil.  But, miraculously there was enough oil for the entire batch!  Ok, that's not what really happened... I shop at Costco so I have plenty of oil.  But, that is what happened many years ago when the Maccabees won the war against the Greeks and lit the Menorah in the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple).  They only had enough oil for 1 day, and it would take 8 days to make more oil!  Divine intervention kept the oil burning for 8 whole days, and Chanukah was born!  To commemorate this miracle, one of the traditions is to eat food fried in olive oil on Chanukah, like potato latkes and jelly donuts.  To this wonderful tradition I humbly submit my contribution: Olive Oil Cupcakes.  

Cupcake Menorah!

These cupcakes are delicious!!  The texture is amazing and the flavors go together so well.  They have a great sweetness and you can really taste the olive oil, orange, and rosemary - separately and together!  Seriously, this is one of my favorite recipes so far... which means a lot more when I tell you I have made many more cupcakes than I have posted so far.  I have to save something for lazy times!

When I had this idea, I looked around online to see who else is making olive oil cake (I couldn't have been the first one to think of this).  I found out its a traditional cake made in Italy.  Michael Chiarello makes his with orange, rosemary and anise - works for me!  That's also the most searched for Michael Chiarello recipe on Google... millions of search engine users can't be wrong.  But I didn't have anise in my house - so these cupcakes are with rosemary and orange.  Feel free to add in the anise if you want - let me know how it is!

Eight Day Olive Oil Cupcakes

1/2 cup soy milk
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup orange juice
2 Tbsp orange liquor (I used triple sec)
2 tsp orange zest
1 and 1/4 cups flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 tsp ground anise (optional)
1 tsp finely chopped fresh rosemary

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Fill a 12-cup muffin tin with cupcake liners.
In a large bowl, mix together the soy milk and apple cider vinegar.  Set aside for a minute or two.  I always do this part first, then let that sit while I collect the rest of the ingredients.  Add in the sugar, olive oil, orange juice and liquor and mix really well.  Mix in the orange zest and mix again.  I whisk it for about a minute.  Sift in the dry ingredients and mix to just combine.  Add in the rosemary and mix well until no lumps remain.  Taste the batter - isn't it delicious??  Hold yourself back from eating the uncooked batter with a large spoon.  Fill the cupcake liners 3/4 of the way full.  Bake for 18-20 minutes or until the tops are lightly browned.  Cool for 5 minutes then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely before frosting.

Fluffy slightly orange frosting

3/4 cup non-hydrogenated shortening
2-4 cups powdered sugar (depending on your taste)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp orange zest
1 Tbsp orange liqueur (yes, triple sec again for me!)

Using a stand mixer or hand mixer, cream the shortening until smooth and fluffy.  Sift in the sugar 1 cup at a time until you reach the desired sweetness.  I like to make frosting just sweet enough to cover that chalky flavor of the shortening.  Once you can't taste the shortening anymore, you're good.  Add in the vanilla, orange zest and liqueur.  Mix until well combined, add more sugar if you think it needs it.

Frost the cupcakes.  Devour the cupcakes.  Smile because you can't help it.

These cupcakes will come out really good if you sing Chanukah songs while you are baking them.

Happy Chanukah!